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Bring to Mind Photography

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Newborn & Fresh 48 hours

  /    /  Newborn & Fresh 48 hours
Newborn Photographer Camp Hill, PA
Our babies grow up so fast!
Ever since the day that we hold them in our arms for the first time, the clock seems to move faster and faster with each passing day. What seems like just yesterday was really six months ago, and our helpless little bundle of joy is starting to learn to crawl around on their own. Milestone after milestone is hit, and we may want to hit pause on life to keep them from growing up too quickly. If only we could! The next best thing, though, is freezing these moments in time, these big milestone moments that you want to remember every detail of.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re ready to book, head on over here and shoot me through your details so I can touch base with you and lock in a date. I will send you an agreement to sign and a questionnaire. Your session fee $200 will be due to secure your session date and then we are ready to roll!

Your questionnaire is super important and gives me a huge insight into who you and your family are. I want to tailor my sessions to capture you all in the most authentic way so taking time to fill out these questions really helps me get to know you and become invested in your story. Having the opportunity to capture your family and create beautiful keepsake images you can forever treasure is something so dear to me!

• Please give your baby a bath the day prior to the session.

• If you are breast-feeding, try to avoid eating anything spicy or gas inducing (i.e. pizza, spicy sauces, garlic, broccoli, thai/indian food, high fat etc.) that might upset the baby’s tummy for 24 hours preceding your scheduled session. It’s best to stick to a relatively bland diet the 24 hours before your session.

• Please do your best to keep your baby AWAKE for 2 hours before your session. This is VERY important. I know this is hard, so all I ask is that you try your best. Some tricks to keep your baby awake are giving the baby a bath, getting baby naked, tickling baby’s feet, and lightly wetting baby’s feet. We will get amazing images if your baby sleeps through the session.

• If possible, please have a bottle of formula or breast milk ready for the session, along with a pacifier should we need it. This is especially important with twins and maintaining the flow of the session. I understand that many mothers are trying to avoid a pacifier during this critical time of learning to breastfeed. But I hope you’ll consider that pacifiers are so useful in soothing fussy babies back to sleep during the 3 hours we’re together. If you are not comfortable with the use of a pacifier, please let me know. We are absolutely on board with whatever you choose!

• You will be feeding your baby a FULL feeding when you arrive at the studio, so please schedule your baby’s day accordingly.

• Dress the baby in loose fitting clothes to avoid any lines on skin. A onesie that opens in. The front is best, as this avoids having to lift anything tight over the baby’s head.

• The studio will be warm during the session so that your baby remains comfortable. Please dress in layers so that you can remain comfortable during the session.

Once you’ve booked in your session, you will have a complementary consultation, there we will discuss colors, hats, headbands, beautiful newborn clothes and all the beautiful handmade props that we offer in our sessions, also we offer Closet’s clients for moms and siblings.

• Newborn sessions generally take 3 hours. If a toddler is involved, a session may take up to 4 hours.

• Please take advantage of this time to rest! I generally won’t need any help, but I’ll be

sure to ask you if I do!

• I recommend having no more than yourself, your spouse/partner, children and one guest if necessary. Too many extra people in the studio make for somewhat challenging creative conditions and can be distracting.

If you or your little ones are sick on the day of the session, I will happily reschedule for another day. Same goes for me, if I’m not well I’ll let you know asap and we will find another date. I’ll never turn up to a session unwell especially if you have a newborn bubba. There is no fee to reschedule your session.


Studio or In-home sessions are often held in the mornings.

I understand that it can be a big outlay at one time for a family session. With this in mind, I am happy to offer payment plans where the session fee is broken down into four payments. Get in touch and we can work out a custom plan.


**No cameras are allowed during your session

I understand this is a momentous time in your life that you want to capture. However, I work very hard to create unique, artistic images for you and another camera can be distracting and uncomfortable.

Please be respectful and kindly refrain from taking pictures during your session. You will see all of your final images just two short weeks after out session. Trust that it’ll be worth the wait!


And your special moments fly by so quickly, bring those special moments to life!

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